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Our Dedicated Members
*Active Life Members
Active Members
Kelvin Ashbridge* William Belles IV*
Robert Brady
Michael Brannon*
Brian Cassidy
Brittney Delano*
Mark Demberger
Dale Gentek
Rich Harron, Sr.*
Rich Harron, Jr.*
Krystle Hill
Vince Howard*
William Howard*
Charles Jordan*
Justin Jordan*
Joshua Long
Rick Mascio
Brandon McCloskey
Frank McCloskey*
Katriana McKinney
Donald Montgomery
Donny Montgomery
Connor Owens
Jasper Reed
John Snyder*
Vince Stone*
Sean Zinkus
Administrative Members
President: Rick Mascio
Vice President: Kelvin Ashbridge
Treasurer: Michael Brannon
Secretary: Athena Jordan
Line Officers
Chief: William Belles IV
Deputy Chief: Justin Jordan
Battalion Chief: Vince Howard
Captain: Charles Jordan
Safety Officer: Rick Mascio
Chief's Aid: Michael Brannon
Inactive Life Members
Howard Bailey
Robert Bailey, Sr.
Horace Cornell
Robert Hafner
Bryan Harron
Greg Harron
John Harron
Andrew Hilvert, Sr.
Andrew Hilvert, Jr.
Al Hunter
Andrew McCloskey
Robert McCloskey
Carrise Mornick
Curt Mornick
Bruce Peterson
Richard Stockton
Rick Willy
Tom Ferry
Athena Jordan
Diana Jordan
Noel Mascio
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